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Week 2, January 16-20


Senate side


The Kansas Senate have introduced multiple pieces of legislation to ban abortion.


  • “Kansas lawmaker seeks to allow local restrictions to abortion,” Kansas City Star, 1/19/2023

  • “Bill would allow Kansas local governments to restrict abortion,” Sunflower State Journal, 1/19/2023

  • “Invasion of the body snatchers: Kansas GOP leaders crave control of residents,” Opinion: Clay Wirestone, Kansas Reflector, 1/19/2023


House side




I was assigned to serve on the Elections Committee please use this link to see the bills that were introduced.  Democrats on the committee: Ranking Member Rep. Brandon Woodard (Lenexa) and Reps. Allison Hougland (Olathe) and Cindy Neighbor (Shawnee).


The most talked about proposed legislation:


  • HB 2013: Requiring a runoff election between the top two candidates whenever a candidate for a statewide office fails to receive a majority of the votes cast at a general or special election.

  • HB 2054: Modifying the deadline for requesting a recount after an election.

  • HB 2055: Prohibiting third parties from mailing advance voting ballot applications to registered voters.

  • HB 2056: Requiring all advance voting ballots to be returned by 7 p.m. on election day.

  • HB 2057: Regulating the use of remote ballot boxes for the return of advance voting ballots.



A Commission on Asian-American Pacific Islander Affairs:


Rep. Rui Xu (Prairie Village) is attempting to pass legislation establishing the advisory commission on Asian-American Pacific Islander affairs.



Looking ahead


You can watch Governor Laura Kelly’s State of the State address live on YouTube through the Kansas Legislature’s YouTube page on January 24 at 6:30 p.m.


On Tuesday, January 24, the K-12 Education Budget committee will host a hearing on HB 2030, a bill to allow nonpublic school students to participate in activities regulated by the Kansas State high school activities association. Additionally, the committee will have a hearing on HB 2060, which establishes the special education and related services task force. 


To submit testimony, contact Chairwoman Kristey Williams’ office at (785) 296-3971 or email




It is a special honor to serve as your state representative. I value and need your input on the various issues facing the state government. Please feel free to contact me with your comments and questions. My office address is Room 451A - S, 300 SW 10th, Topeka, KS 66612. You can reach me at (785) 296-7300 or call the legislative hotline at 1-800-432-3924 to leave a message for me. Additionally, you can email me at You can also follow the legislative session online at







Kansas Legislative Website

Live Legislative Proceedings

Oropeza Healthcare.jpg

First time at the “Well” accompanied by my fellow healthcare providers, Representative Eplee, Representative Bryce, and Representative Clifford.

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